Digital Marketing Is Your Friend
Posted in Direct Mail on January 29, 2024 by Ramin Zamani ‐ 2 min read

Some direct mail marketers resent digital marketing. They see it as an evil force stealing their budget and taking credit for their results.
They see it as competition. They try hard to prove that direct mail is more effective than digital – email, social media, or any other channel.
It is a mistake. Digital marketing is not a threat.
Imagine two companies trying to reach Mary with an offer to sell her home warranty:
Every month, Mary gets a nice mail from Company A with a special offer, inviting her to buy their home warranty policy.
Mary also receives another piece every month with a similar offer from Company B.
But Company B also runs:
- Banner ads on Gmail and Google Display Network with the same creative and offer shown on the direct mail piece.
- Instagram reel ads to explain the difference between different kinds of warranty policies and invite Mary to take advantage of the current offer (the same one mailed).
- Facebook ads feature testimonials from happy customers who share how great Company B’s home warranty is. And yes, the ads show her the same offer as the mail piece.
Which company is more likely to get Mary’s attention?
Look at it from your audience’s point of view.
Digital marketing is your friend. It’s an opportunity.
For many industries, direct mail remains the most effective channel. Connect your mail with digital to amplify its impact.
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